The Value of Advisory Services.
At Larson & Company, we recognize the significance of regularly evaluating and monitoring your internal control system at your organization. With our team’s extensive experience and expertise as a reference, we will assess the completeness of your current systems and then make appropriate recommendations. We can also advise on business acquisitions, perform agreed-upon-procedures audits, and perform due diligence. Each of our team members is skilled, thorough, and perceptive.
Outsourcing Services Can Save You Money
Many businesses have discovered that outsourcing to Larson & Company is an excellent, cost-effective supplement to their own accounting departments. Outsourcing allows businesses to concentrate on making the vital decisions required to grow a business while obtaining improved processing and reporting.
With increasing market pressures to reduce costs, Larson & Company’s experienced business management service team can perform or assist in a full range of functions.
Consulting and Business Advisory Services
- Financial statement preparation
- ProForma forecasting on established and initial startups
- Due Diligence related to mergers and acquisitions
- Consultations related to mergers and acquisitions
- Research projects, including industry trends
- Review of internal controls and processes
- Tax consulting, including tax projections
- Internal audit services
- RBC calculations and forecasts of the impact specific investment and business
decisions have on RBC - Statutory accounting training
- Accounting systems consulting