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Utah Simplifies Charitable Organization Registrations

Utah Simplifies Charitable Organization Registrations

 March 18, 2024

**See Updated Information**


Utah House Bill 43 (HB 43), which was signed into law by Governor Cox on March 13, 2024, will have several notable impacts on charitable solicitations in the state of Utah including the simplification of the information required to register as a charitable organization. Most provisions of the law will go into effect on January 1, 2025.

Simplification of Charitable Organization Registration Information

One notable impact of HB 43 was the simplification of the information required to be submitted when a charitable organization registers with the state. Part (1) of Utah Code section 13-22-6 was amended to eliminate most of the previous information that was required and will now look as follows:

13-22-6. Application for registration.

  • An applicant for registration or renewal of registration as a charitable organization shall:
  • pay an application fee as determined under Section 63J-1-504; and
  • submit an application on a form approved by the division which shall include:
  • the purpose of the solicitation and use of the contributions to be solicited, if different from the purposes for which the nonprofit corporation is organized as required in the articles of incorporation under Section 16-6a-202;
  • any documents required under Section 13-22-15; and
  • any additional information the division may require by rule.

Only requiring the above information will greatly simplify the application process for charitable organizations since about 15 items of previously required information were eliminated. One of the most notable items eliminated was the requirement to acknowledge that no fund raising will take place prior to the organization registering with the state. Here is a link to Utah Code Section 13-22-6 so you can see all the information that is currently required. Please note that this link will only apply until the new law becomes effective January 1, 2025. Future blog posts will discuss other changes made to the Utah Charitable Solicitations Act by HB 43.